Archive for April, 2009

No individual can speak for Freemasonry, an individual may only express a personal view which may, or may not, be shared by other Freemasons. In many countries the Letter ‘G’ is taken to mean God, the Supreme Being, and whilst it is an interpretation held by many Freemasons it is not a universal view. An example of this can be found on the Masonic Ring worn by a Master Mason.

At one time, when very few were could read, the use of symbolism was widespread. It was a form of visual shorthand. Symbols were easily recognized, and understood, but as literacy increased the need for symbolism declined. In centuries past, symbols, especially religious symbols, were common throughout Christendom. The Compass and Square, the symbol of the 3rd degree Master Mason is found on the Masonic Rings found at Fox Jewelry.

Prince Hall was a black man who was initiated into Freemasonry in a military lodge. The lodge he later formed was recognized by the Grand Lodge of England and therefore was regular in every way. Never-the-less, many white Grand Lodges did not and do not recognize Prince Hall Freemasonry as regular. Some have recently recognized the Prince Hall Grand Lodges. Many Prince Hall Masons wear the Master Mason Masonic Ring found at Fox Jewelry.

Within Freemasonry, the color blue is a symbol of universal friendship and benevolence, as it is the color of the vault of heaven. Blue is the only color other than white which should be used in a Master’s Lodge for decorations. Within the Blue Lodge are conferred the Craft Degrees. These Masonic rituals represent three degrees which are taken in sequence. First, the Entered Apprentice Degree, second, the Fellow Craft Degree and finally, the Master Mason Degree. Once a candidate reaches the status of Master Mason, he is entitled to wear the Master Mason Masonic Ring such as the ones found at Fox Jewelry.