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Obligations of the Masonic Lodges
Senior Warden

The Senior Warden sits in the West and addresses the section of the righthand pillar, which is illustrative of Jachin, the right-hand pillar of support which remained at the entryway to Lord Solomon’s Sanctuary.

The jewel of his office is a Level, that represents an image of the fairness which exists among the craft while at work in the lodge.
The term Senior Warden is derived from the English word “Wardein” around the thirteenth Hundred years, The Senior Warden is also known as the watchman or gatekeeper of the Lodge.”Gardein”,
The meaning of the word Senior Warden has various implications in this day and age, but its fundamental significance is one having care of or being accountable for something with administrative obligations or with the authorization of determined regulations or guidelines.
In Masonic wording, he is the second Official inside the Masonic Blue Lodge. He presides over the craft during the long periods of work.
The Senior Wardens essential obligation is to help the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge. #masonicrings #Bluelodgerings #Bluelodgemasonicrings

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