This entry was posted on Saturday, August 16th, 2008 at 10:00 am and is filed under Freemasonry. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Perhaps one of the most notable ways of determining a persons involvment in Freemasonry is by some of the jewelry that person might wear. Most notable would be the 3rd degree Master Mason’ Ring. Many examples of this rings are found on
Other reasons why Freemasonry cannot be called a secret society are that Freemasons do not promise to keep their membership secret (they can tell anyone they wish), where and when Freemasons meet are matters of public record (you can look up masonic centres in telephone directories) and our rule book, the Book of Constitutions and our aims are readily available to anyone. It is ironic that because Freemasons used to be reticent about their membership (because they were and still are taught never to use it to advance their own interests), critics have taken this the wrong way round and think that there is something secretive and nasty going on. Nothing could be further from the truth. sonry cannot be called a secret society are that Freemasons do not promise to keep their membership secret (they can tell anyone they wish), where and when Freemasons meet are matters of public record (you can look up masonic centres in telephone directories) and our rule book, the Book of Constitutions and our aims are readily available to anyone. It is ironic that because Freemasons used to be reticent about their membership (because they were and still are taught never to use it to advance their own interests), critics have taken this the wrong way round and think that there is something secretive and nasty going on. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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