glucosamine for dogs amazon - Masonic, military, and fraternal rings by Fox - Part 10

freemasonry squareI have some very fine Knights Templar rings that look very nice and are crafted using the finest materials. I love these rings and looking at them all the time. The rings mean a lot to me. These rings are very intricate and they contain the symbols that mean the most to me. I have one that I especially like.

My favorite ring of the Knights Templar kind is a ring that has the Blue Lodge emblem on one side of it and it has the Royal Arch Mason emblem on the other side. This is a heavy ring and I love that about it. It is solid and it was made by a jewelry manufacturer who makes only very high quality jewelry.

The Knights Templar is a masonic order that I have been part of for a long time. I feel very proud to have been part of this order for so long and I am very glad that I discovered this masonic fraternity. It has taken a lot of commitment, but I have gained so much knowledge and wisdom over the years that I wouldn’t have gotten any other way. My Knights Templar rings are of very high quality and they represent something that is very special to me.

brotherhoodI have been a part of freemasonry for many years now and my commitment to my brothers and sisters has been undying. One of my dear friends introduced me to freemasonry a while back and I have been very into it since. Freemasonry is about self-knowledge and respect. The members have very high morals and they are there for each other.

I was in a fraternity in college, but I have never been in one like this one. This is truly a fraternity that I can rely on and I stand by my brothers and sisters through anything and everything. I love how committed each free mason is and I love spreading the word about freemasonry to other people.

I have some awesome freemason rings that symbolize my commitment and the way that I feel about my brothers and sisters. These rings are very special to me and they represent so many different things. The symbols on the ring each have significant meaning and I am always eager to share those meanings with others. I love being able to show my commitment to brotherhood with the awesome rings that I have. I have gotten some of these rings as a gift for my freemason brothers and I enjoy having them myself as well.

Knights Templar SkullVintage Knights of ColumbusThis article was written by Michael Fox, owner of Fox Jewelry, a business dedicated to the sale
of Masonic Rings, Freemason Rings, Masonic accessories and other fraternal jewelry. Fox Jewelry offers the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other Masonic Jewelry anywhere.

There has been much research done on the links between the symbol of the skull and crossbones and the one used by the Knights Templar on their ships. In the 13th century the Knights Templar had the world’s largest fleet of sailing ships in the world. As the Knights Templar was dissolved, the remnants of the Knights Templar became the Knights of Malta. The Knights Templar and the Knights of Malta were well known for their acts of piracy on the high seas.

The new Templars; otherwise known as the Knights of Malta became well known for their acts of piracy on the high seas. That is why there is a direct link between the uses of the Skull and Crossbones on the sails of the pirates and has become a modern day symbol of piracy. The image of the Skull and Crossbones flying over the ships of the pirates as they go about their business of robbing, rape and murder, is nothing  more than a device to strike fear into those who saw a ship flying the flag that was bearing down on the innocent parties.

There is however a lot more to the origin and its use and meanings than the explanation given above.

In Freemasonry, the use of the Skull and Crossbones is as prevalent as the Compass and Square and is often shown on headstones and ceremonial swords and aprons and sashes worn by the Freemasons. The 3rd Degree or Master Mason degree is a ritual involving the raising of the dead. The Skull and Crossbones are placed on the death shroud when a brother is raised as the Worshipful Master explains that the bones depicted on the Skull and Crossbones are emblems of mortality. The Skull and Crossbones remind us that it is very natural to fear death but as a Mason it is not something to dread but rather as a motivating factor to complete our own work here on earth as men and Freemasons. It is a reminder to every Mason as we sit in the Lodge during the raising of a Fellowcraft to the Sublime Degree if Master Mason that death is always near and that it can come and any time and in any place regardless of who is involved.

A more modern version of the Skull and Crossbones also known as the Death’s Head was common amongst the SS of Nazi Germany and worn on the officer’s caps. The Skull and Crossbones was also shown on the very highly regarded Totenkopfring/Deaths Head Ring that was awarded to SS officers in recognition of the devotion to duty, personal achievement and loyalty to the Fuhrer.

The Memento Mori otherwise known as the Skull and Crossbones is a grim reminder of our own mortality and has its roots in the York Rite degrees of Chivalry such as the Knights Malta and The Knights Templar; thus the symbol of the Skull and Crossbones laid over the Knights Templar emblem as shown in the pictures above.

It is also a very important symbol within the Knights of Columbus.

Fox Jewelry has the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other fraternal rings anywhere in the world!

Sioux City, IA 51104


Email address: [email protected]

Fax: 800-553-4921

masonic jewelry 5-18-16When I became a mason, I was really excited to be a part of this group. I had wanted to be one of these people for a long time because my father and my grandfather were both part of this group at different times. When I finally was a mason, I was very happy to be a part of the group so that I could live up to my family’s past.

I eventually decided that it would be a good idea to buy some kind of jewelry that I could wear to show my connection to this group no matter where I was or what I was doing. I started to look at all kinds of masonic jewelry including cuff links, rings, and necklaces that had the symbol of the mason displayed proudly on them. I loved looking at all of these different items.

Eventually, I decided that I would go with a ring since this would be the most versatile kind of jewelry for me as a whole. I knew that I would feel good wearing a ring like this on a regular basis. I love the way that the ring looks and am really excited to be able to start wearing it around all of the time since I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.

freemasons ring 5-18-16When my father died, I was the one who ended up going through all of the belongings that he left behind on this earth. It was very hard boxing up all of his treasures and trying to find places where they would actually be needed or wanted. I had a hard time actually finding somewhere that would take a lot of the items that were in his home.

When I was cleaning his house, I happened to come across an old ring that he owned when he was living. I had seen the ring many times, but I was still really surprised when I came across it because I had not expected to see it there. The ring is a really stunning freemason’s ring that I know my father wore often and kept close to him for much of his life.

After asking others in the family if they minded, I ended up keeping this ring. I feel great having this ring because I feel like the ring is really a close connection to my father. I know that the ring was very symbolic and important to him so I am happy to be able to have it. Maybe one day I will be a mason just like my father was.


masonic ringWhen I started to look into the idea of getting a ring to symbolize my membership in the mason organization, I was surprised by just how many different rings were available to me. It was really shocking to me that I had all of these choices to look at. I felt strange seeing all of the different types of rings that could potentially be mine since I knew it was a big choice to make.

Of course the first thing that I had to consider was the material that each of these rings were made out of. I wanted something that would be long lasting and beautiful for many years to come. I thought of getting silver or gold rings, but I really wasn’t sure which kind of ring might be better for me to have for a long time.

I eventually decided that I just preferred the gold masonic rings to any of the other types of rings that I could choose from. I bought a smaller ring that was relatively simple compared to many of the rings that other people that I know have. I feel like this ring is one that looks really nice and it doesn’t draw too much attention.

This article was written bark of the covenant2y Michael Fox, owner of Fox Jewelry, a business dedicated to the sale
of Masonic Rings, Freemason Rings, Masonic accessories and other fraternal jewelry. Fox Jewelry offers the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other Masonic Jewelry anywhere.

At God’s command, the Ark of the Covenant was constructed by Moses and Bezalel to be a sacred chest. It was made of Acacia wood.  Its length was two and a half cubits, by one and a half cubits wide and a half cubit tall. A cubit was an Egyptian form of measurement that was roughly the length of a man’s forearm from the length of the middle finger to the end of the elbow or about 24 inches. It was overlaid inside and out with pure gold. On its lid, were two gold cherubim that represented God’s glory.

Contained within the Ark were these 5 items:

  1. A golden pot that was filled with Manna. Known as the “Bread from Heaven”; it is the bread that was given to the Israelis by God when they were in the desert after escaping from Egypt and fed the Israelis for 40 years. The golden pot of Manna signifies eternal life.
  2. Aaron’s rod which was a sign of God’s choice of Aaron as priest and was symbolic of God’s sovereignty. The rod, when in the hands of Aaron, the high priest was endowed with miraculous powers.
  3. The Ten Commandments. God spoke to Moses whereby he engraved the Ten Commandments upon two stone tablets.

The Ark; said to be God’s footstool, was where he rested his feet when in the presence of the holiest of holies. After the Israelis deserted Egypt, the Ark was carried through the desert until it finally came to rest in a temple built especially to house the Ark, King Solomon’s Temple.

Many scholars still believe that the Ark of the Covenant resides somewhere in a room under the Temple Mount.  Some believe that the Ark was found and carried away to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar’s armies and was destroyed.

Much time has been spent learning about King Solomon’s Temple but it was originally built to be the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant.

In Freemasonry, the lodge room is symbolic of the King Solomon’s Temple. We cannot forget why Solomon’s Temple was built.  King David had a perfectly fine place to live but it was God who had stood with him throughout his battles and helped to make him victorious just as God walks with each one of us.  It was for this reason the Temple was built and it was to be the home of the Ark of the Covenant.

We cannot forget that while Freemasonry makes good men better, this comes from following the teachings of God and his Ten Commandments. The light which emanates from the Ark of the Covenant is basic to the teachings and beliefs of Freemasonry and its foundations. Just as the spirit of a Freemason is housed within his own body the Ark of the Covenant and the light that radiates from it is within Solomon’s Temple.

Fox Jewelry has the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other fraternal rings anywhere in the world!

Sioux City, IA 51104


Email address: [email protected]

Fax: 800-553-4921


ring for freemasonsI like to consider myself a fashionable person. While some other guys out there might not think about what they grab from their closets and put on every day, I think looking nice is important. There are some things that just don’t go well together, and people should know what those things are. On the other hand, there are a lot of combinations out there that look great.

For example, I like wearing my Freemasons ring with my nice suit. It really helps give off that regal vibe I like to look for. It looks super nice, and it really says that I’m a dapper person when I wear it. Wearing my navy blue suit with this ring really gives off a good feeling. The silver really shines when I wear it with a suit.

Sometimes though, I don’t feel like wearing a suit. There are times when pairing the ring with a nice shirt or a cardigan is just as good. I think the suit stands out the most, but sometimes you really want to blend in. Getting that look down can be tricky at first, but I think I’m great at it. When I wear my Freemasons ring in an outfit, it really looks superb.


masonic ringEven though my father has been a freemason for a while, he has not actually bothered with getting any of the different jewelry items that many of his fellow masons wear. It isn’t that he doesn’t want any of these items, he just worries about spending the money on jewelry when my mother has so many problems with her health.

I feel bad that he doesn’t yet have any kind of jewelry to symbolize his connection to the society since I know that it really does matter to him. For this reason, I have been looking into the idea of getting one of these items of jewelry myself. I just feel so bad that he doesn’t have something that he can wear to show his connection to the society.

I have been looking at many different types of masonic rings so that I can find ones that I know he will like. I have seen many different types of rings that are made from different materials and are unique from each other. I feel that it would be best for me to be able to find some type of a ring that would be simple since this would look best on his hand.


masonic jewelryIt’s always great to tell people I’m a Mason. I’m really proud to be one, because people in my family were Masons, too. It’s like continuing the family tradition, which is a positive thing. My dad is a Mason, and his dad was, too. I think my uncle was a Mason, and might still be one. I think my mother’s dad was also a Mason, too. Nonetheless, we have a lot of Masons in my family tree.

I’m just so glad that I can continue the tradition, even though times have changed a lot. Back when the Masons started, we didn’t have all this technology, and we had a very different mindset as humans. It’s amazing to see that an organization like this has been around for so long. It has really survived the test of time, that’s for sure.

So when I look at my Masonic jewelry, I’m really reminded of that fact. The Freemasons were such a huge part of the community, and even though time has passed, they’re still around. I’m so happy to be a part of it in this day and age. It really gives me a sense of community when I go to the meetings, which is a great feeling.