The phrase “Blue Lodge” in Freemasonry refers to symbolic lodges. There are a few hypotheses regarding the origins of the blue hue chosen by Freemasonry. According to one view, early Freemasons picked the color blue because it has long been associated with virtues that are specifically Masonic. Another story holds that the early Grand Lodges picked the color blue to emulate the nobility and notoriety of the world’s most renowned Order of Knighthood. In addition, blue is linked to fidelity, immortality, and eternity. It also serves as a continual reminder that the Almighty is keeping an eye on brothers and passing judgment on them at all times. 712-251-8053.,,
Senior Warden: Assists the Worshipful Master and is responsible for the lodge when the Worshipful Master is absent. 712-251-8053, [email protected],,
A significant Masonic tradition, the blood of Hiram Abiff, the architect of Solomon’s Temple, is symbolized by the red stone set in Masonic rings. It acts as a prompt to fidelity, bravery, and sacrifice. Masons can learn valuable moral lessons from the account of Hiram Abiff’s death. It highlights how crucial loyalty, honor, and integrity are to the Masonic fraternity. 712-251-8053, [email protected],,,

Grand Master Price promptly started chartering lodges across the colonies, while enthusiastic Masons awaited authorization to formally undertake Masonic business at the local level. In 1733, he was granted his first charter for a lodge in Boston that would later be called First Lodge. 712-251-8053, [email protected].,, #bluelodgemasonicring, #bluelodgering
The United States of America is deeply rooted in the Freemasonry tradition. Since the first pilgrims came in America, the fraternity has maintained a presence in the country. Numerous Freemasons were among the founding fathers, and many brothers participated in the struggle for independence. For three centuries, Masons have skillfully transmitted Masonic ideas and rites, acting as scholars of both history and tradition. Our brotherhood has flourished over generations and continents by adhering to the principles that initially brought us together. It should come as no surprise to many that the first lodge in the Americas is still in operation today, given the strength and endurance of Freemasonry. In fact, Boston, Massachusetts’s St. John’s Lodge was founded almost 290 years ago. 712-251-8053, [email protected],,, # Blue Lodge Masonic Rings, #Blue Lodge Rings, #Masonic Blue Lodge Rings
The Blue Lodge Ring is a symbol of membership in the Freemasons, the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organization . The Blue Lodge is where the individuals receive their first three Masonry degrees . Blue is a significant color in Freemasonry because it represents special, sacred, wisdom, or perfection . Historically, blue is a universal symbol of benevolence and friendship. For Masons, it serves as a reminder of the importance of the core Masonic values of friendship and brotherly love. Fox Jewelry 712-251-8053, [email protected]
Fox Jewelry always stamps the inside of their Masonic rings and other fraternal jewelry with 10K or 14K. A K stamped on the inside of a piece of a gold ring indicates the content of the gold by which the ring was made. Most gold watches, rings and other gold jewelry have the number 10K or 14K stamped on the inside. For your information please see the information below that tells you the content of gold in your item depending upon the K stamped inside the piece of jewelry.
14K gold is 100% pure gold
18K gold is 75% gold
14K gold is 58.3% gold
12K gold is 50.% gold
10K gold is 41.7% gold
22K gold is 91.7% gold
10K gold Masonic Rings are typically harder and more scratch resistant than a 14K Masonic Ring. That is because a 10K Masonic Ring has less gold and other alloys added to the gold mix that are harder than gold and therefore; more durable.
Fox Jewelry does sell gold jewelry and has a full line of 10K or 14K gold Masonic rings and other fraternal rings. We invite you to visit our store at: or call us at 712-251-8053. Email us at: [email protected]
A K stamped on the inside of a piece of gold jewelry indicates the content of the gold by which the article was constructed. Most gold watches, rings and other gold jewelry have the number 10K or 14K stamped on the inside. In the past and some dentists still do now use 24K gold to fill teeth as it is very malleable. Order now and have a discount coupon for cheap broadband deals!
Time waits for no man. An iconic timepiece, however, can stop a gentleman right in his tracks. Whether it’s the craftsmanship on show, the tradition it represents or the technology behind it, a classic watch tells more than time – it tells the world who you are.
Most jewelers will say that whether you’re about to invest in your first serious timepiece or looking to add to an already impressive collection, the right luxury timepiece acts as a milestone in life: a marker of time well spent, I do recommend many watches, I would love a Panerai, but until then one of these homage watches will do as they look pretty close to the original. If you’re struggling to choose the perfect timepiece then allow Watchfinder & Co to help. Founded in 2002, the renowned pre-owned watch specialist offers more than 5,500 watches from 60 premium brands, including Rolex, Omega and Patek Philippe, plus watchmakers and industry experts with more than 100 years of combined experience to help you find your ideal timepiece.
24K gold is 100% pure gold
22K gold is 91.7% gold
18K gold is 75% gold
14K gold is 58.3% gold
12K gold is 50.% gold
10K gold is 41.7% gold
Most Masonic rings and other fraternal jewelry is made up of 10K or 14K gold.
As of this date Fort Knox is currently holding about 4,582 metric tons of pure gold worth several hundred billion dollars.
Fox Jewelry does sell gold jewelry and has a full line of 10K or 14K gold Masonic rings and other fraternal rings and jewelry. We invite you to visit our store at: or call us at 712-251-8053. Email us at: [email protected]
How Long Has The Masonic Ring Been In Existence?
Freemasons have been wearing aprons, jewels and rings to identify with Freemasonry ever since the first Masonic lodges came into existence in England in the early 1700’s. When a man becomes a Mason, he must pass through three levels of Masonry starting with the Entered Apprentice, and then advancing to the Journeyman and then on to the Master Mason. Typically the early Masonic rings were made of gold or silver. Although I believe most Masons prefer a Masonic ring made of gold or silver, in the last 4 years or more, with gold pricing advancing so high and so fast it has made the gold Master Mason to expensive for many of our brothers to afford. Hence many less expensive alloys such as brass, copper, stainless steel and others have become very popular because they are relatively inexpensive. Although throughout history there have been some Entered Apprentice and Journeyman Masonic rings, they are rare to find. While some Masons begin w