glucosamine for dogs amazon Freemasonry | Masonic Rings by Fox Jewelry - Part 7

Archive for the 'Freemasonry' Category

This article was written bark of the covenant2y Michael Fox, owner of Fox Jewelry, a business dedicated to the sale
of Masonic Rings, Freemason Rings, Masonic accessories and other fraternal jewelry. Fox Jewelry offers the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other Masonic Jewelry anywhere.

At God’s command, the Ark of the Covenant was constructed by Moses and Bezalel to be a sacred chest. It was made of Acacia wood.  Its length was two and a half cubits, by one and a half cubits wide and a half cubit tall. A cubit was an Egyptian form of measurement that was roughly the length of a man’s forearm from the length of the middle finger to the end of the elbow or about 24 inches. It was overlaid inside and out with pure gold. On its lid, were two gold cherubim that represented God’s glory.

Contained within the Ark were these 5 items:

  1. A golden pot that was filled with Manna. Known as the “Bread from Heaven”; it is the bread that was given to the Israelis by God when they were in the desert after escaping from Egypt and fed the Israelis for 40 years. The golden pot of Manna signifies eternal life.
  2. Aaron’s rod which was a sign of God’s choice of Aaron as priest and was symbolic of God’s sovereignty. The rod, when in the hands of Aaron, the high priest was endowed with miraculous powers.
  3. The Ten Commandments. God spoke to Moses whereby he engraved the Ten Commandments upon two stone tablets.

The Ark; said to be God’s footstool, was where he rested his feet when in the presence of the holiest of holies. After the Israelis deserted Egypt, the Ark was carried through the desert until it finally came to rest in a temple built especially to house the Ark, King Solomon’s Temple.

Many scholars still believe that the Ark of the Covenant resides somewhere in a room under the Temple Mount.  Some believe that the Ark was found and carried away to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar’s armies and was destroyed.

Much time has been spent learning about King Solomon’s Temple but it was originally built to be the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant.

In Freemasonry, the lodge room is symbolic of the King Solomon’s Temple. We cannot forget why Solomon’s Temple was built.  King David had a perfectly fine place to live but it was God who had stood with him throughout his battles and helped to make him victorious just as God walks with each one of us.  It was for this reason the Temple was built and it was to be the home of the Ark of the Covenant.

We cannot forget that while Freemasonry makes good men better, this comes from following the teachings of God and his Ten Commandments. The light which emanates from the Ark of the Covenant is basic to the teachings and beliefs of Freemasonry and its foundations. Just as the spirit of a Freemason is housed within his own body the Ark of the Covenant and the light that radiates from it is within Solomon’s Temple.

Fox Jewelry has the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other fraternal rings anywhere in the world!

Sioux City, IA 51104


Email address: [email protected]

Fax: 800-553-4921


ring for freemasonsI like to consider myself a fashionable person. While some other guys out there might not think about what they grab from their closets and put on every day, I think looking nice is important. There are some things that just don’t go well together, and people should know what those things are. On the other hand, there are a lot of combinations out there that look great.

For example, I like wearing my Freemasons ring with my nice suit. It really helps give off that regal vibe I like to look for. It looks super nice, and it really says that I’m a dapper person when I wear it. Wearing my navy blue suit with this ring really gives off a good feeling. The silver really shines when I wear it with a suit.

Sometimes though, I don’t feel like wearing a suit. There are times when pairing the ring with a nice shirt or a cardigan is just as good. I think the suit stands out the most, but sometimes you really want to blend in. Getting that look down can be tricky at first, but I think I’m great at it. When I wear my Freemasons ring in an outfit, it really looks superb.


freemasons ringI’ve always been a friend of the Freemasons. I was once a part of the group, as well. Back then, I really enjoyed going to gatherings and helping the community flourish. We really did a lot of great things back then. But now, I have chosen a different path in my life. But I still wear the special ring I got from the Freemasons all the way back then.

When I wear my Freemasons ring, all the memories come flooding back. Those were good times, and I’m really glad my Masons community is still very active in my town. They really do a lot of good for the town, and always have. I wear my ring as a reminder of that fact. I really like starting at it as it shines in the sun. It really is a unique and stunning ring

Someday, maybe I’ll be a part of the community again. I really did enjoy my time with the Freemasons, and I met a lot of valuable friends there. Some of those people are still in my life, and I treasure them dearly. It’s always a joy when I see them wandering around town, because I always like chatting them up. And when they notice the Freemasons ring on my finger, they always smile.


KT SkullKnights Templar Rings 10K or 14K Gold, Open or Solid Back #1510This article was written by Michael Fox, owner of Fox Jewelry, a business dedicated to the sale of Masonic Rings, Freemason Rings, Masonic accessories and other fraternal jewelry. Fox Jewelry offers the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other Masonic Jewelry anywhere.

In York Rite Masonry, the keystone is one of its more significant symbols. It is the wedge shaped stone at the top of the apex of the mason’s archway lending support to the arch itself. Without the keystone, the archway would crumble. Although the archway itself cannot exist without the keystone, the keystone experience less stress that any other part of the archway as it typically marks the center or apex of the archway. The keystone allows the builders to incorporate other structures such as doorways and windows into the building without jeopardizing the strength of the building. In completing the arch, the keystone is placed last, symbolically creating the arch created by the pillars of Boaz and Joachim.  Its significance is known as the “emblem of completion”.   In astrology the keystone represents the summer solstice as the sun enters the sign of Cancer at the highest point in the northern sky. In Masonry, Hiram is known to be the founder of the keystone. The letters that are inscribed on the keystone are indicative of the coded phrase to mean “Hiram the Widows Son Sent to King Solomon”

It is quite common to find the emblem of the Keystone on a Knights Templar Ring as shown in the picture above.

Fox Jewelry has the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other fraternal rings anywhere in the world!

Sioux City, IA 51104


Email address: [email protected]

Fax: 800-553-4921

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masonic ringThe rings I have in my personal collection all have different meanings. For example, my graduation ring is beautiful with emerald green, and it represents my school. It helps me recall the memories of my youth, both the good and the bad. But I also have rings that have been passed down for generations, such as ones that are Masonic. Those ones are extra special, because they have a lot of history.

To begin with, my father’s father was a very involved Mason. He did a lot of great things for the community. My father admired that, but he never got quite as involved as my grandfather did. He had other things on his mind at the time, such as my mother. So when the Masonic rings got passed down to me, it was a big deal to me. Those were my grandfather’s most prized possessions, and he thought I should have them.

So to this day, I keep those rings in a protective display box for safekeeping. They’re displayed in the main room of my house, near the other rings I’ve collected over time. They’re definitely the centerpiece of the room, because masonic rings have a certain grandeur that really shines.

Best Buy For Your Money!

Author: Ringmaster

HandRJ502as down, this is the nicest Masonic Ring that you can buy for your money! Built to last a lifetime, exquisite craftsmanship, and easy to maintain, this ring is on sale now and this price won’t last forever. Available in 10K, 14K white or yellow gold. It is also available in open back, hollow back or solid back. It is truly meant to meet everyone’s budget. The plumb and trowel on the sides are cast with the ring so no need to worry about the emblems coming off.  Great weight! See it right here!

Fox Jewelry

This article was written by Michael Fox, owner of Fox Jewelry, a business dedicated to the sale of Masonic Rings, Freemason Rings, Masonic accessories and other fraternal jewelry. Fox Jewelry offers the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other Masonic Jewelry anywhere.

There is an extensive article written by Ken Kleinknecht in the November 1969 edition of The New Age Magazine. Ken, a 33rd Degree Mason was the Manager of the Apollo Program, Deputy Manager of the Gemini Program and Manager of Project Mercury.


Masonic Rings

The Apollo 11 crew, from left: Commander Neil A. Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin Jr.

There have been many Brother Masons that have been part of the space program; Edwin Aldrin Jr., Gordon Cooper Jr., Donn Eisle, Walter

Schirra, Thomas Stafford, Edgar Mitchell and Paul Weitz.

Before his death in a fire at Cape Kennedy on January 27, 1967, Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom was a Mason, too. Astronaut Gordon Cooper, during his Gemini V spaceflight in 1965, carried with him an official Thirty-third Degree Jewel and a Scottish Rite flag.

Therefore you can see that Freemasonry has played a major part in the race to space and landing on the moon.

We need to be proud of the accomplishments our Masonic Brothers have made to the space program.

Another fact that is not well known; Brother Mason Buzz Aldrin claimed the moon for the Masonic jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas. He was authorized by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas to claim it as being in the territorial jurisdiction of Texas. The lodge was named Tranquility Lodge No 2000, named after Tranquility Base the location of Apollo 11’s landing. The Lodge was chartered for the purpose of promoting, conducting, encouraging the principles of Freemasonry, and to aid in promoting the health, welfare, education and patriotism of children all over the world.

Buzz Aldrin was appointed as Special Deputy of the Grand Master authorizing him to claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on the Moon.

Tranquility Lodge 2000 is based in Texas under auspices of The Grand Lodge of Texas until such time as the Lodge may hold its meetings on the Moon. Its meetings are held quarterly at various cities in Texas, with the annual meeting being held in Waco Texas.

The Freemasons in the space program and especially the ones who landed on the moon are some of the bravest men in the universe. Their efforts and their bravery will be hard to duplicate.

Fox Jewelry has the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other fraternal rings anywhere!

Fox Jewelry


3821 Chippewa Ct

Sioux City, IA 51104


Email address: [email protected]

Fax: 800-553-4921

Follow us on Twitter: @MasonicRings

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Masonic Rings are our specialty. We are the Go To store for Freemason Rings and other Masonic Jewelry. Masonic Rings Made for Freemasons


All Seeing EyeThis article was written by Michael Fox, owner of Fox Jewelry, a business dedicated to the sale of Masonic RingsMasonic accessories and other fraternal jewelry. Fox Jewelry offers the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other Masonic Jewelry anywhere.

Look closely at the US dollar bill, and you will see the All-Seeing Eye above the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill. This is a Freemason symbol, and the Latin underneath is a Freemason motto, that means “new world order”. The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light and is usually enclosed by a triangle. It is sometimes interpreted as representing the eye of God watching over humankind.

It is believed that the decision to include this Masonic symbol was not influenced by Freemasons; however, Benjamin Franklin was the only Mason on the design committee. Was this really a coincidence?

Fox Jewelry has the largest selection of Masonic Rings and other fraternal rings anywhere!

Fox Jewelry


3821 Chippewa Ct

Sioux City, IA 51104


Email address: [email protected]

Fax: 800-553-4921

Follow us on Twitter: @MasonicRings

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20150803-GLS-fotoThis spring I will be visiting the Island of San Juan Puerto Rico and look forward to visiting at least one lodge during my trip there. Masonry has a rich history on the island of San Juan, Please click on the link below for a short documentary that tells a brief story of Freemasonry in Puerto Rico.